Our Story
Life after Loss has created a safe space for individuals to share their personal experiences with loss and grief. Through sharing our pain and grief, we can feel connected and understand that we are not alone in this journey.
The power of our story
Sharing our story of loss can be difficult. Grief comes in layers, which takes time to process. When I lost my mom in 2011, I couldn’t talk about her death or my experience without breaking down. Telling my story didn’t change the fact that I have struggled with the loss of my mom. Telling my story helped me feel connected to her and others that have also experienced loss.
Julio’s story of his life after loss
Join the conversation with Julio and I, where he shares his story about the loss of his father. Our experiences are constantly changing us and the way we view life. Experiences like loss can be painful and break the image of who we are but it helps to have the compassion and support of those around us.
Introduction to Life after Loss
Life after Loss is intended to be a safe forum, where we can explore different experiences and issues related to grief. Grief is a subject area that is not commonly discussed and often times when faced with grief, it is uncertain how to continue life without our loved one.
Guilt within the Grief Experience
During this conversation, Kayla shares her story of loss and the feelings of guilt that came up for her. With guilt we are able to deflect on the what has actually happened and instead try to find the fault in our actions. With loss, there is a lot that is out of our control. And that is often a difficult reality to cope with.
Losing a Parent during Childhood
The experiences we face in life can leave us at a crossroads as to which direction to take. Life can break you. Life can also build you up. Experiencing the loss of a parent as a young child brings its own sets of challenges and emotions. Alicia shares her story of what it was like to lose her father at a young age.